Top scholars to attend the 28th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies
Release date:2022/11/22
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The City University of Macau (CityU) and the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) will jointly organize the 28th International Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies on 22-25 March 2023 at the Taipa campus. This year’s conference theme is “Synergies in Intercultural Communication: Languages, Professions and Heritages”. The annual conference provides participants from different cultural backgrounds opportunities to network and benefit from research findings and expertise on intercultural communication issues. It aims to advance research methodology, foster interdisciplinary scholarly dialogues for integrated approaches to complex communication problems, and facilitate understanding across cultures.

Zhu Hua, professor of Language Learning and Intercultural Communication and Director of the International Centre for Intercultural Studies at the Institute of Education of the University College London, will deliver her keynote speech on “Is (Inter) culturally speaking enough?” and discuss the new priorities in learning and teaching language and culture. She will share her insights on the new priorities and changing conditions for learning and teaching language and culture. Prof Zhu will discuss the focus changes from achieving understanding to acts of distinction, from an intercultural speaker to a symbolically competent communicator.

Michael Minkov, professor of Cross-Cultural Awareness and Organizational Behavior at Varna University of Management (Sofia campus) of Bulgaria, will share his views on the revised Minkov-Hofstede model of culture and its implications. In his keynote speech, Prof Minkov will explain the issues with Hofstede's old model and present the Minkov-Hofstede revision and its relationship with other models of culture. He will highlight its implications for cross-cultural communication and management, giving practical examples from cross-cultural encounters.

Zhang Hongling, professor and director of the Intercultural Institute at Shanghai International Studies University and vice president of China's Association for Intercultural Communication (CAFIC), will give a keynote speech with the theme of "Enhancing awareness and strengthening dialogues: exploring the cultural identity construction of Chinese English learners in the new era." Learning a language has an impact on learners' cultural identities. Prof Zhang will share how people construe themselves and define who they are through language. The talk will propose a blended cultural identity framework for constructing Chinese English learners' identities, and examine how enhancing critical cultural awareness and promoting intercultural dialogues can effectively develop learners' blended cultural identities.

The submission period will run until November 27 (Sunday). For interested participants, please submit an abstract to All submissions will be considered. All authors of accepted proposals will have the choice to submit their papers to a special issue of the IAICS journal. For more information about the submission process, please visit the conference website:
